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Electric woodchipper


The NAC SHE280S-BAG-G woodchipper with a milling cutter-style blade can shred hard stalks of perennials, hedge and bush twigs, and hard branches up to 44 mm thick.

The high-performance 2500 W electric motor with the optimum amount of torque easily tackles the chipping of branches into material usable as a compost or shrub bedding.

Price 949.00 PLN

2800 W

nominal power

44 mm

maximum branch thickness

60 L

bag capacity

17.5 kg


NAC SHE280S-BAG-G electric woodchipper with milling cutter blade

The NAC SHE250B-BOX-G woodchipper can shred hard stalks of perennials, hedge and bush twigs, and hard branches up to 44 mm thick.

The high-performance 2800 W electric motor with the optimum amount of torque easily tackles the chipping of branches into material usable as a compost or shrub bedding.
The motor features overload protection.

The tool is provided with a milling cutter-style blade of high-grade steel that can be resharpened or replaced.

For user safety, the woodchipper has a reverse run for unclogging and removal of stuck branches.

The woodchipper features a 60-litre chip bag.

The ground wheels make it easy to move the woodchiper where it is needed.


High-performance 2800 W electric motor with optimum torque

Motor overload protection.

Milling cutter blade.

Branch tamper tool.


electric commutator
motor nominal power output:
2800 W
rated voltage:
230V; 50Hz
motor speed:
60 rpm
bag capacity:
60 L
maximum branch thickness:
44 mm
cutting tool:
milling cutter-style blade.
17.5 kg


NAC Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich ,,Opracowanie nowego projektu wzorniczego w branży urządzeń ogrodniczych”

Celem projektu jest upowszechnienie modelu tworzenia wartości rynkowej produktów przez wdrażanie autorskich wzorów i współpracę z projektantami.

Planowane efekty: wprowadzenie na rynek robota koszącego
Wartość projektu: 1 274 280,00 PLN
Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 600 600,00 PLN