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Plaster sander


The powerful, high performance 750 W plaster pole sander is for sanding walls and ceilings made with drywall panels and finished by plaster render, as well as for sanding wood.

Price 424.00 PLN

750 W

motor power output

225 mm

cutting blade diameter

5.4 kg


NAC WS75A-HA plaster sander

The powerful, high performance 750 W plaster pole sander is for sanding walls and ceilings made with drywall panels and finished by plaster render, as well as for sanding wood.

The sander features a telescopic pole for the operator to easily reach and sand walls up to 3 – 3.7 m high.
110 – 180 cm tool length adjustment

The motor speed control allows adjusting the wheel performance to the type of processed substrate.

The tilt drive head combined with the telescopic pole helps with processing any surface of walls, ceilings, or even floors.

The sander features an integrated dust extractor (with discharge directly to the bag included with the tool).
The bag has a shoulder strap.
The sander dust extractor discharge can be alternatively connected to an industrial vacuum cleaner.


Stepless speed control.

Abrasive medium mounting: hook and loop.

Drive head tilt control.

Bagged dust extraction system.


motor power output:
750 W
supply voltage:
230 V
maximum speed:
1850 rpm
speed control:
stepless; 1000 - 1850 rpm
pad diameter:
225 mm
pad mounting:
hook and look
pole type:
power cord length:
2 m
5.4 kg


NAC Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich ,,Opracowanie nowego projektu wzorniczego w branży urządzeń ogrodniczych”

Celem projektu jest upowszechnienie modelu tworzenia wartości rynkowej produktów przez wdrażanie autorskich wzorów i współpracę z projektantami.

Planowane efekty: wprowadzenie na rynek robota koszącego
Wartość projektu: 1 274 280,00 PLN
Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 600 600,00 PLN