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Oil compressor

NAC OLC-24-15-K-OW

The NAC brand air compressors are advanced tools made with premium materials.
The range of NAC air compressors is for DIY and professional users.

Price 499.00 PLN

1500 W

motor power output

24 L

tank capacity

22.5 kg


NAC OLC-24-15-K-OW oil compressor

The NAC brand air compressors are advanced tools made with premium materials.
The range of NAC air compressors is for DIY and professional users.

The maximum operating pressure of 8 bar and an air output of 200 l/min are sufficient for air tools in a wide range of ratings.

The NAC air compressor has two 1/4” delivery outputs to drive two air tools at the same time.
One delivery output has pressure control with a pressure gauge.
The air tank of the compressor has a port for directly connecting a 1/4” threaded brass fitting (a set of fittings is included with the tool).


Maximum operating pressure: 8 bar.
Precise pressure regulator.

2x 1/4” delivery outputs to drive two air tools at the same time.

A carry handle at the air tank facilitates lifting the whole compressor.


motor power output:
1500 W
supply voltage:
220-240 V
rotational speed:
2750 rpm
tank capacity:
24 L
compressor type:
maximum operating pressure:
8 bar
design output:
200 l/min
effective output:
157 l/min
quick-release couplings:
air tank threaded fitting size:
22.5 kg


NAC Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich ,,Opracowanie nowego projektu wzorniczego w branży urządzeń ogrodniczych”

Celem projektu jest upowszechnienie modelu tworzenia wartości rynkowej produktów przez wdrażanie autorskich wzorów i współpracę z projektantami.

Planowane efekty: wprowadzenie na rynek robota koszącego
Wartość projektu: 1 274 280,00 PLN
Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 600 600,00 PLN