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Push petrol lawnmower with string head

NAC LP60-173-HW 173cc

The NAC LP60-173-HW lawnmower with string head features a state of the art, durable 173 cm3 displacement , engine with 10 Nm of maximum torque and a cast-iron cylinder sleeve, which is failure-free and has good fuel economy.

Price 1859.00 PLN

173 cm3

engine displacement

Pb 95


10 Nm


60 cm

cutting width

NAC LP60-173-HW petrol lawnmower with string head

The NAC LP60-173-HW lawnmower features a state of the art, durable 173 cm3 displacement engine with 10 Nm of maximum torque and a cast-iron cylinder sleeve, which is failure-free and has good fuel economy.

This lawnmower has a string head which performs great when it comes to mowing large, difficult terrain.

The cutting height control has several settings from 45 mm to 90 mm in 7 mm increments.

The steel body ensures durability and impact resistance.

The ergonomic handles with soft overlays enable good steering and comfort of mowing.

The large wheels allow easy and light steering on uneven ground.


Side discharge – the grass clippings are ejected to one side.

Cutting height control from 45 to 90 mm.

The steel body ensures durability and impact resistance.

The ergonomic handles with soft overlays make steering easy.


NAC HW, four-stroke OHV (overhead valve)
engine displacement:
173 cm3
maximum torque:
10 Nm
nominal power output:
3.2 kW
rotational speed:
3000 rpm
unleaded petrol, Pb 95
fuel tank capacity:
1 L
oil pan capacity
0.6 L
cutting width:
60 cm
cutting height range:
45 mm to 90 mm
side discharge
handle grip finish:
32.7 kg


NAC Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich ,,Opracowanie nowego projektu wzorniczego w branży urządzeń ogrodniczych”

Celem projektu jest upowszechnienie modelu tworzenia wartości rynkowej produktów przez wdrażanie autorskich wzorów i współpracę z projektantami.

Planowane efekty: wprowadzenie na rynek robota koszącego
Wartość projektu: 1 274 280,00 PLN
Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 600 600,00 PLN