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Angle grinder


The powerful and convenient 115 mm wheel angle grinder with an impressive maximum speed of 12,000 rpm
to ensure fast and reliable cutting is intended for repair and renovation projects, construction work, or installation of plumbing.

Price 113.00 PLN

760 W

motor power output

125 mm

cutting wheel diameter

1.9 kg


NAC AGE76-GY angle grinder

The powerful and convenient 125 mm wheel angle grinder with an impressive maximum speed of 12,000 rpm
to ensure fast and reliable cutting is intended for repair and renovation projects, construction work, or installation of plumbing.

The tool is especially handy for rough grinding, cutting, or abrasive cleaning of metals.

The NAC angle grinder features overload protection, steady speed control and a safety switch which prevents accidental restarting after a mains power outage.

The spindle lock button helps with easy and quick cutting wheel replacement.

The front of the grinder head features a swing-open wheel guard which does not make quick replacement of the wheel difficult.

The ergonomic body and secondary handle, provided with a non-slip overlay, ensure a firm, secure grip during operation.


Spindle lock for easy cutting wheel replacement.

Safety switch – prevents accidental restarting

Swing-open wheel guard further facilitates cutting wheel replacement.

Non-slip overlay handle.


motor power output:
760 W
supply voltage:
230 V
idle motor speed:
12000 rpm
cutting wheel drive mount:
cutting wheel diameter:
125 mm
cutting wheel hole:
22.5 mm
max wheel thickness:
6 mm
non-slip overlay
power cord length:
2 m
1.9 kg


NAC Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich ,,Opracowanie nowego projektu wzorniczego w branży urządzeń ogrodniczych”

Celem projektu jest upowszechnienie modelu tworzenia wartości rynkowej produktów przez wdrażanie autorskich wzorów i współpracę z projektantami.

Planowane efekty: wprowadzenie na rynek robota koszącego
Wartość projektu: 1 274 280,00 PLN
Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 600 600,00 PLN