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Self-propelled petrol snow blower

NAC STP196L-56/40-K

The NAC STP196L-56/40-K self-propelled snow blower features a state of the art, durable LONCIN OHV 196 cm3 displacement engine with 12.5 Nm of maximum torque, which is failure-free and has good fuel economy.

Price 2399.00 PLN

196 cm3

engine displacement



12.5 Nm

maximum torque

56 cm

working width

53 kg


STP196L-56/40-K self-propelled petrol snow blower

This snow blower features a LONCIN H200 196 cm3 displacement four-stroke OHV engine with a maximum torque of 12.5 Nm which excels in low-noise operation, good fuel economy and easy starting even at extremely cold weather.

The product has been designed in cooperation with professional operators and passed tests in extremely harsh conditions.
The design of the snow blower includes impact and weather-resistant materials for durability, reliability, and high operating comfort.

The snow blower is ready to perform in harsh weather, clearing both deep, powdery snow and frozen, compacted crust.
It is an essential winter maintenance tool for clearing access roads, park pathways, parking lots, and other grounds.

The side skids facilitate guidance in the snow.
The skids are adjustable to help prevent the snow auger from damage by impact against the pavement.

The snowblower is self-propelled by a gearbox with four forward speeds and one reverse speed.
This helps manoeuvring even in deep snow without much physical effort.

The NAC STP196L-56/40-K is a two-stage snow blower.
The first stage of snow clearing is processed by a robust auger feeder that can effectively collect snow up to 51 cm deep in a working swath up to 56 cm wide.
In the second stage, the snow is thrown out by a discharge nozzle up to 11 m away.

The discharge nozzle has two adjustment planes which makes snow ejection in the same direction easy, no matter the direction of driving.
The discharge nozzle direction handle is on the snow duct.


Deep tire thread.

The side skids facilitate guidance in the snow.

Convenient starter cable handle.

Self-propulsion gearbox with four forward speeds and one reverse speed.


Loncin H200, four-stroke OHV
engine displacement:
196 cm3
maximum torque:
12.5 Nm
nominal power output:
4.1 kW
rotational speed:
3600 rpm
unleaded petrol, Pb 95
fuel tank capacity:
2.5 L
oil pan capacity:
0.5 L
working width:
56 cm
max. snow discharge distance
11 m
snow duct nozzle turn angle:
drive speeds:
4 forward; 1 reverse
53 kg


NAC Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich ,,Opracowanie nowego projektu wzorniczego w branży urządzeń ogrodniczych”

Celem projektu jest upowszechnienie modelu tworzenia wartości rynkowej produktów przez wdrażanie autorskich wzorów i współpracę z projektantami.

Planowane efekty: wprowadzenie na rynek robota koszącego
Wartość projektu: 1 274 280,00 PLN
Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 600 600,00 PLN